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Science  - Free Star Software - Light Pollution

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Light Pollution - Heart of the International Dark Sky Association

International Dark-Sky Association (IDA) -
A non-profit member organization that teaches others how to preserve the night sky through factsheets, law references, pictures, and web resources.

New England Light Pollution Advisory Group (NELPAG) -
Everything to do with the problem in New England. Lots of links. Includes information on how to subscribe to the NELPAG forum.

International Astronomical Union Working Group on Light Pollution -
Explains how the working group is helping to combat the problem at the moment and how anyone can help. Also includes various links and general information.

Illuminating Engineering Society of North America -
The IESNA is the authority on the lighting industry in the USA, Canada and Mexico and one of the forerunners in the control of this form of pollution. Information available on manufacturers, acceptable designs and lighting codes.

Light Pollution Awareness Website -
Includes lighting pictures, satellite images, the latest news, lots of links and information about how to shield lighting.

Atlas of World Light Pollution -
A comprehensive atlas of satellite images and artificially created maps of different light pollution measurements covering the globe.

Campaign for Dark Skies (CfDS) -
A comprehensive website explaining what the problem is and how it can be tackled in the UK. CfDS is the UKs largest anti-light-pollution campaign group and part of the British Astronomical Association.

International Commission on Illumination (CIE) -
Technical information and guides to the design of non-polluting lighting. Includes links to similar regional organizations.

Light Pollution: The Neglected Problem -
A short article explaining the problem which appeared in the Winter 1994 issue of the ANJEC Report.

Light Pollution Programme, Greece -
The website of the Greek educational program on the issue. Extensive information on how the problem is being solved in Greece by an awareness program in schools.

Dark Skies Northwest -
News, video, slide-shows and images. Includes outdoor lighting codes, mailing list subscriptions, member information and links to further regional information.

Light Pollution Information -
Learn how glare can affect anyone with this concise information page collated by the Astronomical Society of Greater Hartford. Includes lots of links.

Fatal Light Awareness Program (FLAP) -
Information on how light pollution affects birds, and what steps must be taken to save the lives of birds by reducing lighting.

The Fraser Valley Astronomers' Society -
A local astronomy site with comprehensive information about the local darksky park including directions; as well as videos on the problem, and information about its effects on health and astronomy.

Hawaiian Astronomical Society: Why You Can't See the Stars -
Features links and information on light pollution relevant to Hawaii.

Light Pollution in Italy -
Extensive maps and data charting the extent of light pollution in Italy and the effectiveness of its control using lighting codes.

Huachuca Astronomy Club (HAC) -
Includes information on lighting ordinances in Southeast Arizona.

Dark Sky 2002: The Second European Symposium on the Protection of the Night Sky -
Information about the conference to be held in Lucerne, Switzerland in September 2002. Includes a detailed programme; an online registration form, and photographs of, a map of and information about the location.

American Astronomical Society Committee on Light Pollution, Radio Interference and Space Debris -
Includes information on this pioneering committee and what they do. Also includes lists of books, magazine articles and weblinks. Much of the information is out-of-date.

Outdoor Lighting Resources - Efficient Outdoor Lighting Benefits Us All -
Webpage of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection explaining some effects of obtrusive lighting.

Where has the night sky gone, and why should we care? -
A research paper investigating the development of and possible solutions to light pollution.

The Anti-Light Pollution Section of the Astronomical Society of Denmark (AS-ALS) -
A webpage explaining the history and objectives of the organisation, and how to become a member.

Outdoor Lighting Resources -
good and bad lighting images with explanations, a local survey with results, a local lighting ordinance, and local news articles by an astronomer from Michigan, United States.
Light Pollution: Measureface="arial,sans-serif">

Cherry Springs State Park -
Information and links on stargazing in one of the darkest sky sites in Eastern USA

New Jersey Astronomical Association: Light Pollution -
A short explanation of the problem.

Pennsylvania Outdoor Lighting Council (POLC) -
Comprehensive information on the latest lighting situation in Pennsylvania with pictures, links, and guidance on how anyone can help. Home of Pennsylvanians for an Outdoor Lighting Control Act (POLCA).

Sydney Outdoor Lighting Improvement Society [SOLIS] -
Includes a range of general information about how anyone can improve their lighting as well as information on how the group is combating the problem in Sydney.

New Hampshire Citizens for Responsible Lighting (NHCRL) -
Includes local information relevant to New Hampshire and NHCRL newsletters. Minimal web content.

Royal Astronomical Society of Canada (RASC) Light Pollution Abatement Program (LPAP) -
Explains how the problem is and can be tackled in Canada with the LPAP. Contains helpful Canadian information.

Sensible and Efficient Lighting to Enhance the Night-time Environment (SELENE), New York -
SELENE is working to eliminate inappropriate lighting in New York. Extensive website with facts and information about helping to fight for better lighting legislation in the city.

Indiana Council on Outdoor Lighting Education (ICOLE) -
Comprehensive information on the abatement of light pollution in Indiana including general links and resources as well as updates.

Effective Outdoor Lighting Council of Texas (EOLC) -
Latest news on the abatement of light pollution in Texas and how anyone can help.

Star Watch UK -
Explains how Star Watch UK, a survey of light pollution in the UK was undertaken. The project is, at least for the time being, not taking in results.

European Southern Observatory (ESO) -
Contains technical information on the subject.

IDA Youth Working Group -
Provides information about light pollution for young people.

Conference on the Ecological Consequences of Artificial Night Lighting -
Comprehensive information about a conference on ecological effects which took place in February 2002 including abstracts and references on the topic.

Save Our Sight -
Gives information about light tresspass, your rights, "security" lighting and technical lighting information.

Go Light on the Pollution: An Introduction to the Problem of Light Pollution -
Simply-written site where one can learn the cause of this threat to our environment, economy and society, and how to be part of the solution to the light pollution problem.

Dark Skies Locator -
Use this site to find a light-pollution-free location. View conditions from various cities around the world.

Yerkes Observatory and Light Pollution -
Information about the fight against light pollution in Yerkes, William's bay. Includes pictures, ordinances, presentations and links.

Virginia Outdoor Lighting Taskforce (VOLT) -
Promotes the use of safe and efficient outdoor lighting. Comprehensive website with everything there is to know on the problem in Virginia and the latest on VOLT's campaign for better lighting ordinances.

Institute of Lighting Engineers (ILE), UK -
Forerunner in light pollution control in the UK. Publishes lighting codes and guidance available via the website. Website content is minimal.

Light Pollution Awareness Group (LPAG), Malta -
Explains how light pollution can and is been controlled in Malta. Lots of links. LPAG is a part of The Astronomical Society Of Malta.

North Carolina IDA (NCIDA) -
Includes images, information and local legislation relevant to North Carolina.

Heart of the International Dark Sky Association

Office for the Protection of the Quality of the Sky of the Institute of Astrophysics of Canarias -
Includes pictures and animations, and information on full-cut-off lighting, technical specifications, energy efficiency, and other forms of astronomical pollution. Also includes the laws applicable in the Canary islands.

Santa Clara Valley Lighting and the Lick Observatory -
Lick Observatory is exploring ways in which the lighting needs of the growing Santa Clara Valley can be met while still preserving Lick's position at the forefront of astronomical research. Also includes relevant links.

A Solution for the Problem of Light Pollution? -
A short page explaining how lighting can be made to reduce the astronomical effects of pollution by Manchester Astronomical Society.

Minnesota Astronomical Society: Light Pollution -
A light-pollution map of Minnesota, a news story about local light pollution and information about what can be done locally.

Illuminating Engineering Society of Australia and New Zealand (IESANZ) -
The IESANZ is the central organization for lighting engineers in the area who set guidelines on light pollution control and energy efficiency.

Craig Cotner's Home Page -
Two detailed light-pollution maps of Minnesota and various astro-photographs.

Eastern Michigan University (EMU) Astronomy Club: Light Pollution -
Essays on the causes and effects of light pollution, as well as information about local regulations to combat the problem.

Dark Skies for Northern Ireland -
Explains the problem in Northern Ireland with photographs; maps of its extent, and information on its effect on residents and crime. Includes a message board, help on installing friendlier lighting fixtures, links and correspondence on regulation with a local MP.

Rose City Astronomers: Oregon Dark Skies -
Includes a information about the effects of light pollution and local darksky sites.

Dark Skies for the Adirondacks -
Online community of New York anti-light-pollution campaigners with photographs, newsletters, legislation and other local resources.

Come Over to the Dark Side: A Light Pollution Web Quest -
An educational inquiry-oriented learning scheme for children to learn about the problem.

Shire Oaks Science Year -
Information about the science-year project on light pollution at Shire Oaks school. Includes photographs, explanations of the problem and its causes & effects and a light pollution questionnaire for pupils.

Ted's Astropix: Light Pollution Scourge -
Personal "sermon" on light pollution by a Ohio resident with various bits of information on the topic.

The Croydon Astronomical Society: Light Pollution -
Information about the problem in Croydon.

Back Bay Amateur Astronomers: Astronomy's Greatest Threat -
A page by a group of astronomers fighting the problem.

Light Pollution and Boating Safety -
Presentation explaining the problem that unshielded lighting presents to boat crews and how it can cause boating accidents. [Requires Microsoft Powerpoint]

Me, Mick and M31 -
Information about a children's story book on the problem.

Light Pollution Fact Sheet -
A basic fact sheet on light pollution with terms explained simply.

Sky and Telescope - Saving Dark Skies -
Various articles about light pollution including one on the history of the problem, one on rating the darkness of your sky, one on how astronomers can do more to help reduce light pollution and one on good lighting fixtures.

Lighting in the Countryside: Towards Good Practice -
Comprehensive online UK Government publication outlining the government's policy on the issue. Also a good general introduction to the problem.

Light Pollution -
A Southampton University webpage on the facts about light pollution and possible solutions for school children.

Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) Lights Page -
RSPB page discussing the detrimental effects on birds.

Michigan Darksky Association -
Explains the problem, and has pictures, news, local legislation and a message board specific to Michigan.

University Lowbrow Astronomers: Light Pollution Issues -
Information and links relevant to South-East Michigan, United States. Covers local regulation.

Utah Skies: Light Pollution -
Includes information on good & bad light fixtures, hidden costs and health risks with pictures and links.

Understanding, Assessing and Resolving Light-Pollution Problems on Sea Turtle Nesting Beaches -
Comprehensive report by the Florida Marine Research Institute into the effects on turtles with relevant lighting specifications to be implemented near nesting sites.

Edmonton Area Light Pollution Awareness and Abatement -
Explanatory information, links, news, photographs, a mailing list, FAQ's and personal stories from this region of Canada.

Updated Saturday, 11th MARCH 2006
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