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EUV  «
Academic Papers
Numerical Analysis

North America Light Pollution
Whole Earth Light Pollution shockwave MIT

CalTech .... Today's News - Astronomy News .... Comets, New Discoveries


Virtual Galaxy Project
[freeware - DOS] Interactive 3D virtual reality Solar System which allows users to "fly" to and around nearby stars in the Milky Way Galaxy.
Solar System Applet
[online Java applet] This 3-d solar system applet can be rotated and zoomed with the mouse. Below it are links to other online gravity simulators and resources for building solar system simulations.

Hubble Site
[commercial - Acorn/StrongARM RISC OS] An orrery is a physical or virtual model of our solar system.
Xstar N-body Solver
[open source - Unix] Displays results to the screen or can be used as a screen saver. Includes a college level introductory text on the n-body problem.
Power Age Sky Simulator 3.0 pop
Design a map of the Sun, the Moon, and planets, comets and asteroids.
Solar System Visualization
[free - online] Animations and movies of solar system objects and spacecraft.
[freeware - Windows] Models the interaction between bodies in space according to Newtonian physics.

ISS Site

ISS-Transit Software

Space simulator and 3d engine tutorials
Space simulators reviews and tutorials to program a 3d engine for a space sim.
Planetary Simulation
[commercial, demo available - Windows] Planets is a simulation where you can define a number of objects --stars, suns, or planets. Once defined, you can run the simulation and watch what happens as gravity acts on these objects.
3D Solar System Simulator
A Java applet that shows an interactive 3D representation of the planets and satellites of the solar system.
Accurate wireframe simulator for the Voyager and Giotto space missions, with animation capability. Developed at JPL for science/navigation, and filmed by the BBC/NOVA. Conveniently runs from any Windows/DOS. Freeware.
A free 3D space simulator that lets you travel through the solar system and beyond to over 100,000 stars. [Windows, Mac; Open source]
StarStrider software 3D planetarium
[shareware - Win 98/ME/2K/XP] A 3D software planetarium. Photo realistic real-time 3D renderings of 2 million stars, galaxies, nebulae, and the Milky Way. Includes several educative tutorials.
[open source - Win95/98/NT/2000 or Unix/Linux & OpenGL] Newest NASA data creates a fast 3D display of our home solar system, 25000 stars, galaxy, planets, moons, asteroids and even controllable spacecraft.

Professional Development parts

Birthday Party Gifts - Saturn Snacks - Mars Mango
Star Sonata - and other 3d Editor Tomb Raider Games

Anchors Aweigh
The Marines' Hymn
Eternal Father, Strong to Save
Navy Blue and Gold - Naval Academy Alma Mater
The United States Naval Academy Band March - composed by Master Sergeant Oliver "Ollie" Zinsmeister, USMC (Ret)
Air Force Music Links

Apollo Program

Man-to-the-Moon - Apollo Program

Numerical Analysis | M45 | Scientific Alternative Viewpoints | Earth Light | Cal Nobel Prizes

Guide to the Galaxy - Stella 2000


  CVC Astronomy Freeware and Shareware - Space Programs
Cartes du Ciel Sky Charts 
Free Virtual Galaxy   Jim Smith
Space Wander
Gravitorium  simulates the movement of stars, planets
Hallo Northern Sky   planetarium  
Home Planet  astronomy, space & satellite tracking   
Izzy's Skylog  guide to learning the constellations  
JupSat95    displays positions of Jupiter's moons   by Gary Nugent
Meridian   displays information on objects in our Solar System  
MoonCalc  Monzur Ahmed   
Newt  Newtonian telescope design program
 Shareware  new m45 articles/ Mathematician of the Day/

Our Solar System Grey Olltwit    
Phoebe  solar & lunar Zodiac positions, rise & set times, etc.   
PlanetWatch (free trial version)  
Planet's Visibility
SETI@home  Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence on your own PC
Stig's Sky Calendar   
Sun Clock  nice screen saver map of world times & time zones and sun & moon position
The Planets   position of Jupiter's and Saturn's moons    
WinStars   virtual planetarium
World Time Zones   Grey Olltwit   

Moon Calculator  DOS 
Encyclopedia Galactica  only Windows 95 (not 98 or 2000 as of 2/18/2001)

Sloan Digital Sky Survey
A survey that maps one-quarter of the entire sky, determining the positions and absolute brightnesses of more than 100 million celestial objects.
High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center. Provides an archive of data on (and software for analyzing) gamma-ray, X-ray, and extreme ultraviolet observations of cosmic (non-solar) sources.
Space Telescope Science Institute
Contains astronomy resources, space data archives, visitor information, and research opportunities.
NASA Extragalactic Database

MAST: Multimission Archive at STScI
MAST supports a variety of astronomical data archives, with the primary focus on scientifically related data sets in the optical, ultraviolet, and near-infrared parts of the spectrum.

DSS - The Digitized Sky Survey
Comprises a set of all-sky photographic surveys in E, V, J, R, and N bands conducted with the Palomar, and UK Schmidt telescopes at the Space Telescope Science Institute.
SIMBAD Astronomical Database Offers data, cross-identifications, observational measurements, and bibliography for celestial objects outside the solar system including stars, galaxies, and nonstellar objects within our galaxy, or in external galaxies.
Centre de Données astronomiques de Strasbourg (CDS) Astronomical databases, bibliography, documentation, and directory.
The Munich Astro Archive
Archives astronomical data. Includes star dates, comets, glossary, astronomical catalogs, calendar, meteor events, and astromaps.
The Web Nebulae
Features images of Nebulae organized by Bill Arnett. Includes glossary, image list, and sources.
ADC - Astronomical Data Center
NASA's ADC is a resource for astronomical data, catalogs, and journal tables.
Planetary Data System
PDS archives, and distributes digital data from past, and present NASA planetary missions, astronomical observations, and laboratory measurements. Contains data and services, educational resources, and contact information.
The Royal Astronomical Society
UK organization promoting astronomy, geophysics, and planetary science.
Solar Data Analysis Centre
Contains solar data, and images. Includes SDAC Data-Finder, current solar images, and TRACE analysis guides.
ESO, and Space Telescope Science Archive Facilities A joint venture of The European Southern Observatory(ESO), and the Space Telescope European Coordinating Facility(ST-ECF). Contains a shared archive server, services, news, updates, digitized sky images, links, and public datasets.
Multiwavelength Milky Way
The Astrophysics Data Facility (ADF), located at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.
Personal Web pages
A list of the personal web pages of professional astronomers from around the world. Extensive.
The VLA FIRST Survey
Faint images of the radio sky at the wavelength of 20 centimeters.
Hypercat: Extragalactic database
Search data about millions of galaxies by their name or celestial position. Also an archive of 100,000 images of galaxies.
NCSA Astronomy Digital Image Library (ADIL) collects astronomical, research-quality images and make them available to the astronomical community, and the general public. Offers Library access, image browse, and FITS links.
The Aladin Sky Atlas
Provides an interactive sky atlas allowing users to visualize digitized images of any part of the sky. Includes astronomical catalogs, personal user data files, and interactive access to related data from the Simbad database, and Vizier service.
Provides simultaneously queries, and many astronomical databases. Includes input target coordinates or name, data type, source, and bandpass.
USGS Planetary GIS Web Server.
Mapping interface that will integrate powerful Geographic Information Systems (GIS) graphical, statistical, and spatial relational tools for analyses of planetary datasets.
Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS)
Sky map, and point source catalogs from the all-sky survey.

SAO Telescope Data Center
Creates, and maintains software to process and archive data from optical telescopes at the Oak Ridge Observatory in Harvard, Massachusetts, Whipple Observatory, and Multiple Mirror Telescope on Mt. Hopkins in Arizona. The Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO) is part of the Harvard- Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA) in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
UK astronomical data-center Data center that is part of the Cambridge Astronomy Survey Unit providing a selection of data from the UK's ground based telescopes. Includes archives, and catalogs.
ESO/ST-ECF USNO-A1.0 Catalogue Server Archive provides access to the all-sky catalogue from the set of ten CD-ROMs produced by the US Naval Observatory within the Precise Measurement Machine Project.
CADC - Canadian Astronomy Data Centre Contains digitized sky survey, IUE archive, star catalogs, and links.
Supercosmos Sky Surveys Provides images, and catalogues of the southern sky in three colours. Includes access to digitised images, and the data derived from SuperCOSMOS scans of photographic Schmidt survey plates.


Devoted to stars in galactic open clusters. It offers an interface to a database collecting astronomical observations, and bibliography.
NVSS Postage Stamp Server
This postage Stamp server for NRAO/VLA Sky Survey (NVSS) returns radio images of the sky in FITS or JPEG format.
Radio Astronomy Group, University of Tasmania Contains student research projects, astronomical data, radio observatories, and history.
Cambridge Astronomical Survey Unit Contains information on the PDS and APM microdensitometer facilities, Carlsberg Meridian telescope, data archives, and processing center.
2dF QSo Redshift Survey (2QZ)
An Anglo-Australian collaboration surveying 740 square degrees of high-galactic lattiude sky. Contains spectroscopic data release, results, progress report, and input catalogue, survey members, and publications.

CFHT Archive
The Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Archive. Includes CFHT archives, images, instruments, help, and links.
Islamic Crescents' Observation Project
Global project organized by the Arab Union for Astronomy and Space Sciences (AUASS). Contains data base for Crescent Observations.

Leicester Digitized Sky Survey
An image browser providing access to digitized optical Schmidt plates forming the STScI Survey.
The UTR-2 Catalogue
Provides a low frequency sky survey of discrete sources obtained in the Institute of Radio Astronomy of the Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences. Images from the UTR-2 radio telescope at a number of the low frequencies used in contemporary radio astronomy within the range from 10 to 25 MHz.
The New UKIRT Archive
The United Kingdom Infrared Telescope Archive. Offers search tool, and operator's log.

Astronomy Picture of the Day Archive
Daily archive of interesting astronomy photos by NASA.
Jim's Hubble Telescope Photo Gallery
Presents photos from the Hubble Space Telescope.
Microsoft Research and the SDSS SkyServer
A project to develop an Internet data resource in astronomy. Includes journals, reading, the sky server, team information, and links.
Pat Baker's Astronomy Central
Explores astronomy, the universe, the Hubble telescope, the solar system, and astronomy history. Offers news, images, articles, and links.
NOAO Data Archives
Operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy (AURA), Inc. Includes survey programs data archive, and links to other data collections.

Numerical Analysis
Whole Earth Logo

Technical Data for the Arecibo Airglow and Optical Instrumentation
Data information, and instrument documentation from the Arecibo optical facility.
Contains astronomy data, news, images, information, and downloads.
Astronomy: Data Archives
Patrick Shopbell's Astronomy Resources. Contains data archives, astronomical catalogs, atlas of nearby dwarf galaxies, and links.
The UnOfficial Chandra Data Archive Search
Provides a search tool for the Chandra X-Ray Observatory secondary data products archive.
Byte-O-Matic.NET Astronomical Information Archive
Offers information services, and archiving of various astronomical issues.

Black Holes (75)
Cosmology (52)
Neutron Stars (20)
Simulators (13)

Astrophysics and Astronomy Research 144 Quick Links Revised and Updated

Astrographics:: Rosette Nebula 16 Astrographics:: Nebula NGC 6188 2 16 Astrographics:: Keyhole Nebula 16 Astrographics:: Vela Nebula 1 16 Astrographics:: Mice Galaxies 48 Stellar Fireworks - Antennae 

Galaxies, Art Poster

Map of the Universe (Northern), 

Art Poster The Moon Poster by THE SPACE 

STORE Astrographics:: Saturn's Aurora 20 Astrographics:: Nebula NGC 1973-75-77 16
Mars Merchandise at Countdown 

Creations! Astronomy Books and Magazines Space Suits
Year of Physics for Students and Teachers
Professional Development in Space Sciences and Foundations of Physics Celestron VistaPix 10x25 Digital Camera/Binoculars (Digital Cameras & Kits) Hammacher Schlemmer:: First Digital Picture-Taking Spotting Scope (Consumer Electronics) Hammacher Schlemmer:: 2.0 MP Picture-Taking Binoculars with LCD Screen (Binoculars) Wind 

& Weather:: Capture View Binocular (Binoculars) REVIEW of Bushnell Instant Replay 8x32 Digital 

Binocular Digital Spotting 



Program Audiovox Electronics GMRS201W 2 Mile GMRS 

Wristradio with Built-In LCD Wristwatch
by AudioVox

11 MARCH 2006 by Starry S5 Comets and Meteors

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